New Housing Targets for Local Norfolk Councils

Proposed changes to the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) will required councils in the east of England to provide and additional 10000 new homes per year. Within the indicative housing need assessment Norfolk councils will be required to provide 5241 houses per year and increase from 3420 per year under the current targets. This is an increase of 53% on the current targets across the county.

Government research indicated the average housing delivery in the Norfolk area was 3802 new dwelling per year which is over 1000 per year homes below the proposed new target.

Both North Norfolk and Norwich city significantly under performing current underperform in housing delivery and are set to be even further behind with the proposed changes.

The revised NPPF is due for adoption March 12th 2025 at which point these new targets for housing will come into force. However while the targets are mandatory they are not binding and may be overridden by District Councils local plan adoptions.

If you have a site that is adjacent to the development boundary or existing development Tennoc homes would be happy to review its location and suitability for development considering the upcoming changes in policy.


Nutrient Neutrality January 2025